10 Noun Conjunctions (Part 1)

Learning 10 noun conjunctions in Korean.

The noun conjunction is a grammatical tool to connect nouns in a sentence. We will learn the most common noun conjunctions, which will help list or group items together in a sentence.

They provide clarity by clearly defining relationships, and ensuring precise communication. Allowing multiple nouns to be linked succinctly enhances brevity and contributes to a smooth, natural flow in speech and writing. Additionally, different conjunctions can convey nuances such as formality or informality, enriching the context. They promote cohesion and streamline communication, making them vital for efficient expression in Korean.

Let’s get started!

1. ~(이)랑, ~하고, ~과/와, 및

The noun conjunction “~(이)랑, ~하고, ~과/와, 및” means “and” in English and is used for linking two or more nouns. Each of them is interchangeable but has a specific degree of formality. Let’s learn one by one.

1) ~(이)랑

It is the most informal and often used in casual conversation.

친구 영화 봤어요. (I watched a movie with a friend)

고양이 강아지. (A cat and a dog)

재훈이랑 공부해요. (I study with Jaehoon)

2) ~하고

It is often used in both written text and informal conversation.

엄마하고 시장에 갔어요. (I went to the market with my mom)

책하고 연필. (A book and a pencil)

3) ~과/와

It is often used in both written text and informal conversation.

사과와 바나나를 샀어요. (I bought apples and bananas)

선생님과 어머니가 교실에서 만났습니다. (My teacher and my mom met in the classroom)

4) 및

It is the most formal and often used in written text and formal speech.

회의 및 발표. (A meeting and a presentation)

단어 및 예문이 있는 자료를 참고하세요. (Please refer to the document with the words and example sentences)

2. ~(이)나

The conjunction “~(이)나” means “or” in English and is used for providing a list of options to choose from the specified items. It can be confused with the particle “~(이)나” but it is distinguished. The last noun is the carrier of the case marker for the entire list of nouns in the conjunction “~(이)나” while the particle “~(이)나” expresses that any option can be acceptable as long as it is one of the specified options.

Format: ~이나 (after a consonant), ~나 (after a vowel)

The conjunction

책이나 잡지를 읽어주세요. (Please read a book or a magazine)

커피나 차를 마실래요? (Would you like coffee or tea?)

The particle

사과나 배나 아무거나 주세요. (Please give me anything whether it’s either an apple or a pear)

커피나 차나 상관 없습니다. (I don’t care whether it’s either a coffee or a tea)

3. ~(이)랑 달리, ~하고 달리, ~과/와 달리

The conjunction “~(이)랑 달리, ~하고 달리, ~과/와 달리” means “unlike” in English and is used to show how one noun differs from the preceding noun. This is for highlighting differences or distinctions between items or concepts.

한국어랑 달리, 영어는 발음이 더 어렵다.

한국어하고 달리, 영어는 발음이 더 어렵다.

한국어와 달리, 영어는 발음이 더 어렵다.

(Unlike Korean, English pronunciation is more difficult)

수박은 파인애플이랑 달리 더 달콤하다.

수박은 파인애플하고 달리 더 달콤하다.

수박은 파인애플과 달리 더 달콤하다.

(Unlike pineapples, watermelons are sweeter)

Note: “달리” can be interchangeable with “다르게” without changing the meaning.

여름이랑 다르게, 겨울은 많이 춥다.

여름하고 다르게, 겨울은 많이 춥다.

여름과 다르게, 겨울은 많이 춥다.

(Unlike summer, winter is very cold)

4. ~에 대해(서), ~에 대한, ~에 관해(서), ~에 관한

The conjunction “~에 대해(서), ~에 대한, ~에 관해(서), ~에 관한” means “about” or “regarding” in English and used to indicate relationships between nouns, especially when discussing topics or subject.

The conjunction “~에 관해(서)” is often used in written text and formal speech.

The conjunction “~에 대해(서), ~에 대한” is used to express subjective feelings or opinions about the object.

우리는 책에 대해(서) 이야기 했습니다. (We talked about the book)

그 시험에 대해(서) 아무도 모릅니다. (No one knows about the exam)

환경에 대한 연구가 시작되었다. (The research regarding the environment is started)

자동차에 대한 정보를 가져오세요. (Please bring me the information about vehicles)

그 사건에 관해(서) 토론 중입니다. (It is under discussion regarding the case)

그 프로젝트에 관해(서) 질문이 있습니다. (I have a question regarding the project)

건강에 관한 책을 살 예정입니다. (I am planning to buy a book about health)

보안법에 관한 규정을 참고하세요. (Please refer to the regulations regarding security law)

5. 대신(에)

The conjunction “대신(에)” means “instead of” in English and is used to indicate substitution, replacement, or alternative options because the preceding noun is not a preferred option. It can be used in various contexts to express doing something instead of another or choosing one option over another.

1) Substitution

It is often used to show that one thing is being done or used in place of another.

커피 대신(에) 차를 마셨어요. (I drank the tea instead of the coffee)

종이책 대신(에) 전자책을 사용했어요. (I used an e-book instead of a paper book)

2) Alternatives

It can present an alternative option or action.

오늘 영화 보는 대신(에) 책을 읽을 거예요. (Today, I’ll read a book instead of watching a movie)

주스를 마시는 대신(에) 물을 마셨어요. (I drank water instead of drinking juice)

3) Compensation

It can express making up for something with an alternative.

못 가는 대신(에) 선물을 보낼게요. (I’ll send a gift since I cannot make it)

못 만나는 대신(에) 전화할게요. (I will call you since I cannot meet you)

6. ~을/를 위해(서), ~을/를 위하여, ~을/를 위한

The conjunction “~을/를 위해(서), ~을/를 위하여, ~을/를 위한” means “for” in English and used to indicate the reason or intention behind an action. They help specify why something is done or what it is intended for. It can express that one is to carry out the action for the benefit of the preceding noun.

1) ~을/를 위해(서): Common in both informal and formal contexts, used to indicate the reason behind an action.

건강을 위해(서) 운동을 시작했어요. (I started exercising for my health)

이 프로젝트를 위해(서) 많은 시간을 투자했어요. (I invested a lot of time for this project)

2) ~을/를 위하여: Slightly more formal, suitable for official or formal contexts.

이 행사에 참여하기 위하여 많은 준비를 했습니다. (I prepared a lot in order to participate in this event)

학생들의 복지를 위하여 새로운 프로그램을 도입했습니다. (A new program is introduced for the welfare of the students)

3) ~을/를 위한: Describes the intended purpose or recipient of something, used in various contexts.

이 책은 어린이를 위한 것입니다. (This book is for children)

이 선물은 당신을 위한 것입니다. (This gift is for you)

7. ~을/를 포함해(서), ~을/를 비롯해(서), ~을/를 포함하면

The conjunction “~을/를 포함해(서), ~을/를 비롯해(서), ~을/를 포함하면” means “including” or “if we include” in English and used to include items or examples in a list. It expresses that the total number is calculated including the preceding noun.

1) ~을/를 포함해(서): Is often used for general lists.

학생들을 포함해서 모두가 참석했다. (Everyone, including the students, attended)

음료를 포함해서 모든 음식이 준비되어 있습니다. (All foods are ready including drinks)

2) ~을/를 비롯해(서): Is used in written text and formal speech.

한국을 비롯해서 여러 나라가 참여했다. (Several countries, including South Korea, participated)

사장을 비롯해서 모든 직원이 회의에 참석했다. (All employees, including the CEO, attended the meeting)

3) ~을/를 포함하면: Is used for the conditional expression “if we include the preceding noun.”

회비를 포함하면 총 비용은 100달러다. (If you include the membership fee, the total cost is $100)

너를 포함하면 총 5명이야. (if you are included, we are five people in total)

8. 때문에

The conjunction “때문에” means “because of” in English and is used to express reasons or causes. It plays an important role in constructing sentences that explain why something happens.

1) Cause and Effect

It is used to indicate the reason for an action or situation.

비 때문에 늦었어요. (I was late because of the rain)

날씨 때문에 계획을 취소했어요. (I canceled the plans because of the weather)

2) Noun Connection

It connects with nouns to show the cause.

교통 체증 때문에 지각했어요. (I was late due to the traffic congestion)

시험 때문에 스트레스를 받았습니다. (I was stressed because of the exam)

3) Explaining situations

It is useful for providing explanations in both casual and formal contexts.

기온이 낮기 때문에 두꺼운 옷을 입었어요. (I wore thick clothes because the temperature was low)

차가 막히기 때문에 지하철을 탔습니다. (I took the subway because of the traffic jam)

9. ~(으)로, ~(으)로 인해(서), ~(으)로 인하여, ~(으)로 말미암아

The conjunction “~(으)로, ~(으)로 인해(서), ~(으)로 인하여, ~(으)로 말미암아” means “due to” in English and used to express that the preceding noun is the main cause or reason of the situation. They are all interchangeable and used in written text and formal speech. If it is an informal conversation, you can use “때문에” instead.

1) ~(으)로

공사로 소음이 발생하고 있어요. (There is noise due to the construction work)

전염병으로 학교가 폐쇄되었습니다. (The school was closed due to the epidemic)

2) ~(으)로 인해(서)

사고로 인해서 머리가 다쳤습니다. (The head was injured due to the accident)

스트레스로 인해 건강이 나빠졌어요. (My health worsened due to the stress)

3) ~(으)로 인하여

비로 인하여 행사가 취소되었습니다. (The event was canceled due to the rain)

홍수로 인하여 많은 피해가 발생했습니다. (There was a lot of damage due to the flood)

4) ~(으)로 말미암아

질병으로 말미암아 많은 사람이 고통받았습니다. (Many people were suffered due to the disease)

기후 변화로 말미암아 작물이 줄었어요. (Crops were decreased due to the climate change)

10. 관계로, 관계상

The conjunction “관계로, 관계상” means “due to” in English and used to describe reasons or situations related to relationships or circumstances. They are more likely used in formal situations such as news, official announcements, etc.

The conjunction “관계로” is used to indicate that something is happening or a situation exists due to a specific relationship or connection. it is often used to explain how a particular relationship impacts an outcome or situation.

이 문제는 날씨 관계로 해결해야 합니다. (This issue needs to be resolved due to the weather)

회의는 업무 관계로 연기되었습니다. (The meeting was postponed due to work-related reasons)

The conjunction “관계상” is used to express reasons or constraints based on the nature of a relationship or position. It often implies limitations or necessary considerations based on social or professional relationships.

관계상 모든 사람들에게 알려드릴 수 없습니다. (Due to the circumstances, I cannot inform everyone)

시간 관계상 이 요청을 승인할 수 없어요. (Due to the time limitation, we cannot approve this request)

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