Let’s learn about Korean proverbs that Korean people often use. These expressions are used a lot in daily life. So if you use it according to the situation your Korean level will stand out even more. There is a description, meaning, and sample dialogue to help you understand.
What is a Korean proverb?
Korean proverbs are figurative words in short sentences that have been passed down from the ancestors. The proverbs usually contain the wisdom and lessons of life gained through experiences and warnings to be careful. It is important to understand the cultural and social ideas and attitudes of Koreans to understand Korean proverbs.
말이 씨가 된다. (Be careful what you wish for)
Description : ‘말’ means a word and ‘씨’ means a seed in English. The literal translation of this proverb is “A word becomes a seed.” Just like a seed grows into a flower, a word can also grow into what you wish for. This proverb can be used when someone makes a negative prediction or word about a future situation.
Meaning : You have to be careful with what you say because the words you speak lightly can actually come true.
Sample Dialogue
딸 : 내일 시험인데 떨어질 것 같아요…
아버지 : 말이 씨가 된다잖아. 그런 말 하지말고 오늘 밤 푹 쉬어.
Daughter : I have an exam tomorrow, but I think I cannot pass it.
Dad : Be careful what you wish for. Don’t say things like that. Get some sleep tonight.
병 주고 약 준다. (A kiss and a punch)
Description : ‘병’ means an illness ‘약’ means a medicine in English. The literal translation is “Someone gives you an illness and a medicine.” It can be used to indicate a contradictory situation in which someone is trying to cause a problem or give you pain and then trying to solve or help you with the problem or pain.
Meaning : Pretending to help the person after causing a problem or harming others.
Sample Dialogue
A : 어제 걔가 나한테 먼저 화냈으면서 오늘 밥을 사준다네.
B : 정말? 병 주고 약 주는건가. 먼저 시비 걸고 왜 밥을 사준데?
A : He got mad at me first yesterday, but he says he is going to buy me a meal today.
B : Really? Is it a kiss and a punch? Why is he trying to buy you a meal now?
친구 따라 강남 간다. (Going along with the crowd)
Description : ‘강남’ is one of the areas in Seoul that is the capital city of South Korea. Have you ever listened to the song “Gangnam Style” by PSY? The Gangnam in the song indicates the area. This proverb can be used when someone is trying to follow or copy the words or actions without any plans or thoughts.
Meaning : Trying to do the same thing that others do without thinking.
Sample Dialogue
아들 : 요즘 제 친구들이 서울에 여행을 간데요. 저도 보내주세요.
어머니 : 친구 따라 강남 간다더니 여행을 같이 가려고?
Son : Recently, my friends have been traveling to Seoul. Please I want to go there too.
Mom : You always go along with the crowd. Are you going to travel with them?