Have you ever experienced that sudden jolt when you touch a doorknob or shake hands with someone? It is a small shock that leaves you rubbing your fingers or laughing it off with the other person. These tiny zaps, known as static electricity, are common, especially in dry environments or during winter. Let’s learn what we can say in Korean when this happens.
Definition and Function
정전기 통하다
Definition: I got shocked or You just shocked me
Function: This expression is used to convey a physical sense of connection. It describes the moment when static electricity passes between two people.
Useful Examples
겨울에 스웨터를 입을 때 가끔 정전기가 통한다. (When I wear a sweater in winter, sometimes a static electricity flows)
방금 정전기 통했어. (You just shocked me)
고양이를 만지니까 정전기 통하네. (I got shocked because I touched the cat)
It is a good expression to know in day-to-day conversation. When you touch someone or something and you feel you get shocked, you can simply say “정전기 통했어.” in Korean.