Korean Gerund: Verb Stem + ~기

It explains Koran gerund suffix: ~기

The gerund form is to add the suffix “~기” to the verb stem. It changes the verb into its corresponding form that describes the general idea or concept of the verb’s action. It is equivalent to “-ing” in English.

This form can be used as a subject and an object in a sentence. So, the subject and the object case marker also can serve optionally depending on the flow.

Examples of Gerund

1. 살기 좋은 도시다. (It is a good city to live in)

2. 일하기 좋은 환경입니다. (It is a good environment for working)

3. 밤에 혼자 다니기 위험해요. (It is dangerous to walk around at night)

4. 여기는 운전하기(가) 쉽지 않습니다. (Driving here is not easy)

5. 먹기 전에 손을 씻으세요. (Wash your hands before eating)

No Stative Verb & No Timeline

Unlike the nominalization suffix “~ㅁ/음” we just learned above, this gerundival suffix “~기” can only be attached to an action verb, not a stative verb. In addition, it cannot be used with tense suffixes since the gerund form focuses on the action itself irrespective of the timeline when the action is carried out.

아이들이 슬픔으로 가득했다. (Children were full of sadness)

아이들이 슬프기로 가득했다. (X)

나는 그리움을 견딜 수 없었다. (I could not endure the loneiness)

나는 그리우기 견딜 수 없었다. (X)

내 친구는 운동하기를 좋아했다. (My friend liked exercise)

내 친구는 운동했기를 좋아했다. (X)

혼자 일하기(를) 좋아해요. (I like working alone)

혼자 일했기 좋아해요. (X)

혼자 일하겠기를 좋아해요. (X)

Commonly Used

1. To-Do List

    한국어 가르치기 (Teaching Korean)

    일기 쓰기 (Writing a diary)

    숙제하기 (Doing homework)

    2. Simple Form

    읽기 (Reading)

    듣기 (Listening)

    말하기 (Speaking)

    쓰기 (Writing)

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