Korean noun-making suffixes are grammatical markers that attach to verb stems to create nouns or noun phrases. These suffixes allow speakers to turn actions and states into a sentence’s subjects, objects, or topics.
Nouns and noun phrases are used in various ways in Korean grammar. Sometimes it is necessary to transform its form to express a wide range of ideas and expressions (ex. a verb to a noun). Knowing this nominalization allows you to make many different sentences in Korean and obtain flexibility in expressing your thoughts and ideas more naturally like native speakers.
In this session, you will learn the first nominalization: verb + ㅁ/음 and how to use it with sample sentences.
Nominalization: Verb Stem + ㅁ/음
The first type of noun-making suffix is the nominalization suffix “ㅁ/음” to the verb stem. This suffix converts a verb into a noun, focusing on the action or state described by the verb. It is equivalent to “-tion,” “-ness,” or “-ity” in English.
- Verb Stem + ㅁ (If the verb stem ends with a vowel)
- Verb Stem + 음 (If the verb stem ends with a consonant)
- “ㅂ” irregular verbs (“ㅂ” changes into “우” and adds “ㅁ” to the verb stem)
Verb Stem + ㅁ (If the verb stem ends with a vowel)
Verb | Derived Noun | Sample Sentence |
기다리다 (to wait) | 기다림 | 기다림이 길었다. (The waiting was long) |
느끼다 (to feel) | 느낌 | 느낌이 별로였다. (The feeling was not good) |
가르치다 (to teach) | 가르침 | 가르침은 언제나 중요하다. (Teaching is always important) |
모이다 (to gather) | 모임 | 다음주에 모임이 있다. (There is a meeting next week) |
배우다 (to learn) | 배움 | 배움은 끝이 없다. (Learning is endless) |
살다 (to live) | 삶 | 삶은 아름답다. (Life is beautiful) |
만나다 (to meet) | 만남 | 내일 만남이 기대된다. (I am excited about the meeting tomorrow) |
쉬다 (to take a rest) | 쉼 | 쉼이란 무엇인가? (What is a rest?) |
기쁘다 (to be delightful) | 기쁨 | 그녀는 팬들에게 기쁨이다. (She is the delight of all her fans) |
꿈꾸다 (to dream) | 꿈 | 행복한 꿈을 꿨다. (I dreamed a happy dream) |
Verb Stem + 음 (If the verb stem ends with a consonant)
Verb | Derived Noun | Sample Sentence |
울다 (to cry) | 울음 | 울음 소리가 들린다. (I can hear a crying sound) |
젊다 (to be young) | 젊음 | 젊음은 돈보다 가치있다. (The youth is more valuable than the money) |
믿다 (to believe) | 믿음 | 내 믿음은 강하다. (My faith is strong) |
걷다 (to walk) | 걸음 | 걸음이 느리다. (The walking is slow) |
웃다 (to laugh) | 웃음 | 웃음이 멈추지 않는다. (I can not stop laughing) |
죽다 (to die) | 죽음 | 죽음이 두렵다. (I am afraid of the death) |
“ㅂ” irregular verbs (“ㅂ” changes into “우” and adds “ㅁ” to the verb stem)
Verb | Derived Noun | Sample Sentence |
돕다 (to help) | 도움 | 누구나 도움이 필요할 수 있다. (Anyone can need a help) |
그립다 (to miss) | 그리움 | 누군가에 대한 그리움은 마음을 힘들게 한다. (Missing someone gives me a hard time) |
즐겁다 (to joyful) | 즐거움 | 나의 삶은 즐거움으로 가득하다. (My life is full of joy) |
부럽다 (to envy) | 부러움 | 부러움을 말로 표현할 수 없었다. (I couldn’t express my enviousness in words) |
Nominalization: Verb stem + ㅁ/음 can also be attached to other action and stative verbs and changed into corresponding noun forms.
Action verbs: An action verb in the past tense, denotes the completion of the action taken in the past.
지원이가 심심했음이 분명하다. (It is obvious that Jiwon was bored)
그는 자신이 실수했음을 인정했다. (He admitted that he made a mistake)
Stative verb: It indicates the culmination of the state that the verb describes.
어색함이 모두에게 전달되었다. (The awkwardness was conveyed to everyone)
그의 담대함이 모두를 살렸다. (His boldness saved everyone)
Short Messages In Social Media
It is easy to see that the derived noun forms are frequently used on social media. It is not an appropriate way to use it for older people, strangers, or whose social status is higher than yours. However, this short message form often appeared in companies, the military, the police, and social media.
이미 점심 먹었음. (I already had lunch)
=> 먹다: 먹었 + 음
지금 놀고 있음. (I am hanging out now)
=> 있다: 있 + 음
고양이 찾았음. (I found the cat)
=> 찾다: 찾았 + 음
문자 확인 바람. (Please check my message)
=> 바라다: 바라 + ㅁ
오늘 출발 예정임. (We will plan to leave today)
=> 이다: 이 + ㅁ